Engine Serial Number Decoder Ford
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Model A Vehicle Registration Serial Number and Location
Model A & B Engine Number Assignment
Two digits (letter/number) and the rest of the serial number indicate the assembly plant location. Refer to the decoding chart. (i) Letter from the Ford Motor Company to all Ford offices (dated Nov. 4, 1947): “Engine and model numbers for 1948 (Ford) cars – the lowest number used with 1948 prefixes for six-cylinder passenger car engines is. Here is a little help on decoding that VIN. To decode the sticker in the door jamb (axle code, transmission code, etc.) go here. To decode the VIN of a 1973-1980 Ford truck, go here. VIN stands for Vehicle Identification Number. It is a 17-digit sequence of letters and numbers that is basically your vehicle's serial number. Engine Code The fourth digit of the warranty or vehicle identification number indicates basic engine identification. The chart at right shows engines used in the F-series light-duty trucks (F100/150/250/350) only. Decode a Vehicle Identification Number. We can help you to identify some of the components that are on your vehicle. The information is based on data available to the NHTSA. When possible the results will contain links to relevant part searches. Ford report free by VIN. Get full vehicle info of Ford. VIN decoder api web service.
Model A Engine Block Number Location
Rouge Series Model A Engine Serial Numbers
Canadian Series Model A Engine Serial Numbers
Model B Engine Block Number Location
Rouge Series Model B Engine Serial Numbers
Ford 302 Engine Serial Number Decoder
Canadian Series Model B Engine Serial Numbers
This (lengthy) page details engine serial number location, dates, and identification for Model A Ford and Model B Ford engines. The engine serial number was used as the defacto VIN number of the vehicle, as noted by Ford in the vehicle owner's manual Instruction Book below.
Model A Vehicle Serial Number and Location
As shown above in the 1928 Model A Ford Instruction Book, Ford did in fact specify the engine number to be the 'serial number' of the vehicle, during the Model A (and B) era, and throughout the 1930's. The Specifications and License Data page above in the Instruction Book is quite clear and specific about this.
It is popularly but incorrectly claimed that the serial number of the vehicle was a frame number. Actually, not all Model A vehicles even had a frame number. A great many did not have a frame number stamped, and it varied depending on when and which of the more than two dozen assembly plants completed the vehicle final assembly. There is no Ford literature available indicating a frame number was ever intended for any primary identification of a vehicle by Ford.
When present, the frame number was a duplicate of the original engine number of that chassis. The engine number was assigned and stamped at the Rouge and was usually, but not always, later stamped on the top of the frame flange at the vehicle assembly plant as a backup to aid in positive identification of stolen vehicles. In the 1930's, vehicle theft was actually quite a large problem.
A check for a possible frame number requires removal of the body and fender splash aprons from the frame. Any number present is frequently obscured or illegible due to corrosion and pitting from moisture held by the cotton frame webbing between the frame and body.
The engine number, not a frame number, was the original serial number of the vehicle for title and registration purposes. This is true throughout the Ford Model A and B US and Canadian production era.Drive genius 4 mac crack.
Engine Serial Number Prefixes
The engine serial number is separate from the alpha prefix letter(s). The numeric serial number is unique and is not directly correlated to the prefix letter(s). The prefix is preceded by a ☆ character, and the numeric serial number is followed by a ☆ character, as shown in the pic above.
Most Model A Ford engines found in North and South America with serial number prefixes A, AA, AF, or AAF, and Model B Ford engines with serial number prefixes AB, AAB, B, or BB were built at the Ford Rouge manufacturing complex in Dearborn, Michigan.
Some engines produced at the Rouge for export also carried the marking 'Ford U.S.A.' stamped on the pad below the serial number, as illustrated in the pic above.
Model A and B engines were also built worldwide, including at Windsor, Canada, at Manchester and later Dagenham, England, at Köln, Germany, and at Gorky Automobile Zavod 'ГАЗ' (GAZ), USSR from the 1930's through 1950's.
Model A and B engines were also produced by Ford at Dagenham, England, at Cork, Ireland, and at Köln, Germany. These engines variously carried serial number prefixes A, AF, AA, B, BF, and BB, however with distinctly identifiable numeric serial numbers based on place of manufacture.
Both Dagenham and Köln used serial numbers assigned from groups of numbers granted by the Rouge from within the larger sequence of Rouge numbers. Some Model B engines having an AA prefix and Rouge group serial numbers were also built and stamped at Dagenham in 1935 and 1936 and were used in Model AA trucks having factory Model B engines.
Model A engines with serial number prefix CA, CAA, CAW, CAAW, CAE, CAAE, CAR, CAAR, CAT, CAAT, CAY, CAAY, CAU, CAAU, CAI, CAAI, CAO, CAAO, CAP, CAAP, CAS, CAAS, CAD, and CAAD, and Model B engines with serial number prefix CBG and CBQ were built and stamped at Ford of Canada in East Windsor (Ford City), Ontario. Ford Canada used serial number series of their own creation and control.
I am also seeking any information about serial numbering used on GAZ A and B engines produced in the Soviet Union in the 1930's through 1950's, as well as G28T (improved B) engines produced at Köln in the 1940's and 50's.
Model A & B Engine Number Assignment
The engine number was assigned to completed engines after they had passed the electric motor-driven engine run-in (run-off) tests and were released for vehicle final assembly. The engine number then became the serial number for the completed vehicle after final (vehicle) assembly.
The engine serial number only dates the final approval of the assembled run-in engine, not the casting dates of the engine components, not the actual assembly date of the engine components, and not the assembly date of the vehicle.
The vehicle was sometimes assembled up to 3 months after the engine was assembled, tested, and numbered. Engines also were not used in vehicle final assembly in the same sequence that the engine itself was produced or numbered.
At the time of vehicle final assembly, the pre-existing engine number was also usually stamped on the vehicle frame in one or more locations (top of LH frame rail near the Number One body bolt).
The number cannot be inspected without removal of sheet metal and lifting of the body off the frame because the frame number was covered with the splash apron and body. Additionally, it is usually difficult or impossible to read the frame number due to frame corrosion and pitting from the moisture held by the cotton frame webbing. (Additional note: frame serial numbers were typically not stamped on Canadian-built Model A's).
This delay between engine component production, engine assembly, engine test, approval, and numbering at the Rouge, and subsequent vehicle final production at one of the 30+ Assembly Plants or Branches nationwide varied based on the location of the final assembly plant, as well as the different production schedules and rates between plants.
Thus it is common to find an apparent 'later' car with an 'earlier' engine when comparing two vehicles to each other. An 'earlier' engine could be defined as one with either an earlier serial number (indicating engine approval date), or one having earlier part feature characteristics than the serial number (date) would nominally indicate.
Examining the production sequence backwards, this seeming discrepancy is the valid result based on when and where the cars were final assembled, when their engines passed final test and were numbered, when their engines were assembled from components, and when their actual individual engine components were produced. Delays occurred at any combinations of steps in the processes.
It is possible to have a complete engine assembly which was produced using 'earlier' parts or castings, and yet having a 'later' engine number, due to delays and rework within the Engine Production Department at the Rouge. Production Foreman's (handwritten) daily logs and journals on file at the Benson Ford Research Center detail many engines which were delayed or round-tripped within the assembly process, prior to final test, approval, and numbering.
Additionally, it is also possible to have a car assembled at a much later date than the engine numbering date, due to slow sales and vehicle production (especially during 1931), and freight distance from the Rouge to the several west coast assembly plants. Many completed and numbered engines were warehoused and stored for extended periods before assignment and installation in a vehicle.
One consequence of the delayed use of warehoused engines is that it is possible to find a 1931 Model A which has a mid-February or earlier built engine having the early numeral styles (fonts), which was installed in a chassis after mid-February, and which has the frame number stamped using the later style numerals 1, 6, and 9. Thus both style numeral stampings are found on the same car, meaning the engine number font and any frame number font do not match.
Again, these delays are due to production scheduling variations, as well as the later use of any engines within the engine production process that did not pass run-in test the first (or subsequent) time and were sent back for engine rework and retest before subsequent approval and numbering, and then ultimate use in vehicle assembly.
Additionally, the original engine production ledgers on file at the Benson Ford Research Center clearly show, by serial number, hundreds of engines which were re-numbered at the Rouge with entirely new engine numbers. Some of these engines were ones which were returned from branches for subsequent scrap, salvage, or recovery/refurbish. In those cases, the original 'starred' upper number was 'X'd out', and a new starred number was stamped below it.
In some cases the second row stamping was to correct an obvious 'typo' in the first stamping, and in other cases the numbers are substantially different and the reason for change is not apparent.
All Model A engine serial numbers were hand-stamped on the left hand side of the engine block, above the water inlet as shown above. There were variations in the spacing, position, orientation, and sharpness of individual numerals due to the manual alignment and stamping operation.
The number pad itself was an as-cast surface on US-produced engines and was not machined flat. However, some early 1928 and some Canadian-produced and numbered engine blocks were stamped on a machined pad surface, not on an as-cast surface.
In the case of US built Rouge engines, the original number is always in the top half of the cast pad. If the engine was re-numbered at the Rouge, then the upper number was obscured with a series of 'X' stamps over the number, and then the new or corrected number was stamped on the pad directly below the original number. The re-number also included the stars and A or AA prefix.
Large Bore & Small Bore, LHD & RHD Model A Engine Production
The engine number is distinct from the alpha prefix letter(s). The numeric serial number is unique and is not directly correlated to the prefix letter(s). The prefix is preceded by a ☆ character, and the numeric serial number is followed by a closing ☆ character.
Ford also built Right Hand Drive (RHD) engine assemblies and vehicles at the Rouge as well. These Rouge-built engines were primarily destined for South America and Japan, not the British Empire. Only the specific engine serial number, not the prefix nor type, can identify the actual engine production facility as being either the Rouge or Dagenham, England. Canadian-produced engines can be readily identified by their Canada-unique prefixes and serial numbers.
RHD engines and vehicles produced in Canada for export to British Empire countries carried typical Canadian engine number prefixes, and the prefix did not indicate if the engine and chassis was configured for RHD or LHD usage.
Engines produced at the Rouge for RHD usage carried the 'F' in the engine number prefix, such as '☆AF' or '☆AAF'. At the Rouge, the 'F' indicated that the engine and chassis was configured for RHD usage.
For example, engine serial number 1234567☆ was produced at the Rouge and might have had a prefix of ☆A, ☆AA, ☆AF, or ☆AAF depending on whether it was for a car or truck (clutch), and whether it was for a large bore engine and transmission assembly for the US, or for a RHD large bore engine and transmission assembly produced at the Rouge for export to a RHD non-British Empire country (such as Japan or certain South American countries).
Large bore 'AF' prefix serial number engines were produced and numbered at the Rouge for all RHD vehicles except those produced in England and Canada. The 'AF' indicated that the Rouge-produced vehicle was a RHD large bore engine and chassis configuration.
These Rouge-built RHD engines/chassis were primarily exported to South American RHD countries and Japan.
Small bore 14.9 HP (R.A.C.) engines were produced in Cork, Ireland and England (primarily RHD) and used serial numbers from assigned number groups granted by the Rouge to the foreign engine plants. These engines were primarily for domestic use in Great Britain and Ireland, not for export.
An 'F' in the prefix of a British-built engine indicates the small bore engine, not whether it was for a RHD or LHD chassis. Large bore British-built engines did not carry the 'F' in the engine number prefix, nor did RHD English-produced chassis. The 'AF' in the engine number and in the vehicle Model name indicated only that the British-produced vehicle had a small bore 14.9 HP (R.A.C.) engine.
For example, engine serial number 700001☆ was in a group of Rouge numbers which were assigned by Dearborn to Ford's engine production operations in Manchester and Dagenham, England for their use, and may have ultimately had a prefix of ☆A or ☆AA depending on whether it was destined for a car or truck (clutch). It may also have had an 'F' in the prefix (i.e. ☆AF) to indicate if it was assigned to a small bore engine.
All Canadian-produced engines carried Canadian-unique serial numbers and prefixes, and were not assigned from the Rouge number series, nor did they use ☆A, ☆AA, ☆AF, or ☆AAF Rouge prefixes.
Canadian-produced RHD vehicles were primarily destined for export to British Empire countries such as Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, India, Singapore, and elsewhere, but not Great Britain itself.
Canadian engine production records, prefixes, and details follow in the second table below, after the Rouge records.
US (Rouge-built) Model A Engines
The first table below shows the Rouge engine production records and information available from the Benson Ford Research Center. The exact dates in the table come from the original Foreman's handwritten notes and records in the original Daily Engine Production Log books.
The table below also indicates some series or groups of numbers which were transferred by the Rouge to Ford's other engine production facilities worldwide at Manchester, Dagenham, and Köln.
Those numbers were reserved by the Rouge for the foreign (Cork, Manchester, Dagenham and Köln) operation's local production use and assignment on both engines and vehicles they produced throughout the 1930's, continuing well after US Model A and B regular vehicle production had ended.
Those foreign operations built mixes of small and large bore engines, in both LHD and RHD configurations, and those engines would have a 'Rouge' number, though the engine was built and numbered elsewhere in the world.
These foreign-use numbers are sometimes referred to as 'omitted' numbers since they were not actually physically stamped at the Rouge facility in the US.
In some cases, there are two dates relating to foreign serial number transactions in the table below.
The first is the date on which Rouge administration identified, reserved, and pre-assigned that range of 'Rouge' serial numbers for future use by a foreign manufacturing or assembly plant for their local (Cork, Manchester, Dagenham and Köln) application, independent of the daily Rouge operations. These groups of numbers are sometimes referred to as 'omitted' numbers.
The second is the actual (later) Dearborn date when the Rouge shop-floor engine production operation reached that previously-reserved range of serial numbers. That is the day the Rouge had to 'skip over' or 'omit' that group of pre-assigned foreign serial numbers during their daily US engine production numbering and stamping operations.
This second date may have been only days, months, or possibly even years after the initial 'reservation' and reassignment of the numbers for foreign use. During the early heyday of Model A production, serial number assignments for foreign use were essentially made on an as-requested, running, and instantaneous basis.
During the Model A late-production and post-production era throughout the 1930's at the Rouge, there were large time gaps between dates when groups of numbers were pre-assigned for foreign use, and when the Rouge shop-floor daily production operations actually reached and skipped-over that group of foreign-reserved numbers.
Production Timeline Legend |
White shading indicates monthly production records summary from the Benson Ford Research Center. |
Green shading indicates a production milestone or unique engine data point for reference. |
Grey shading indicates a foreign assignment or application of 'Rouge' serial numbers. A few specific examples of foreign use of a 'Rouge' serial number are included for illustration. |
Rouge Series Model A Ford Engine Serial Numbers | ||||
Rouge Number Prefix | Starting Engine Number | Ending Engine Number | Date | Notes |
☆A1☆ | Engine number 1 stamped October 20, 1927 | |||
A / AA | 1 | 137 | October 1927 | |
A / AA | 138 | 971 | November 1927 | |
A / AA / AF / AAF | 972 | 5275 | December 1927 | |
A / AA / AF / AAF | 5276 | 17251 | January 1928 | |
A / AA / AF / AAF | 17252 | 36016 | February 1928 | |
☆A19986☆ | First engine with bead in oil pan for oil tray, numbered February 9, 1928 | |||
A / AF | 36017 | 67700 | March 1928 | |
A / AF | 67701 | 109740 | April 1928 | |
A / AF | 109741 | 150000 | May 1928 | |
158001 | 160000 | May 29, 1928 | 2,000 #'s transferred to Cork for small bore 14.9 HP (R.A.C.) AF engines | |
A / AF | 160001 | 165726 | May 1928 | |
A / AF | 165727 | 224276 | June 1928 | |
A / AF | 224277 | 254000 | July 1928 | |
254001 | 256000 | July 16, 1928 | 2,000 #'s transferred to Cork for small bore 14.9 HP (R.A.C.) AF engines | |
☆A256479☆ | Experimental engine having no external oil return pipe, numbered July 16, 1928 | |||
A / AF | 256001 | 295707 | July 1928 | |
A / AF | 295708 | 384867 | August 1928 | |
A / AF | 384868 | 419000 | September 1928 | |
419001 | 422000 | September 13, 1928 | 3,000 #'s transferred to Cork for small bore 14.9 HP (R.A.C.) AF engines | |
A / AF | 422001 | 473012 | September 1928 | |
A / AA / AF / AAF | 473013 | 585696 | October 1928 | |
492511☆ | Bendix Starter Drive replaced Abell Starter Drive | |||
A / AA / AF / AAF | 585697 | 697829 | November 1928 | |
A / AA / AF / AAF | 697830 | 700000 | December 1928 | |
700001 | 704000 | December 3, 1928 | 4,000 #'s transferred to Manchester | |
A / AA / AF / AAF | 704001 | 810122 | December 1928 | |
A / AA / AF / AAF | 810123 | 940000 | January 1929 | |
940001 | 950000 | January 25, 1929 | 10,000 #'s transferred to export | |
A / AA / AF / AAF | 950001 | 983136 | January 1929 | |
A / AA / AF / AAF | 983137 | 1127171 | February 1929 | |
☆AA995080☆ | 'Ford USA' is factory stamped with the engine number on a Rouge-built AA engine in Portugal (João Paulo Gonçalves) | |||
☆IAA998339☆ | ☆IAA998339☆ is factory stamped on a Rouge-built industrial AA engine in Illinois (Mark Maron) | |||
☆A1000000☆ | Engine ☆A1000000☆ numbered 3:07 pm, February 4, 1929 | |||
A / AA / AF / AAF | 1127172 | 1298827 | March 1929 | |
A / AA / AF / AAF | 1298828 | 1478647 | April 1929 | |
A / AA / AF / AAF | 1478648 | 1663401 | May 1929 | |
A / AA / AF / AAF | 1663402 | 180000 | June 1929 | |
1800001 | 1810000 | June 22, 1929 | 10,000 #'s transferred to export | |
A / AA / AF / AAF | 1810001 | 1854831 | June 1929 | |
A 1819477 | Rouge-built engine is installed in a Model A at Asnieres, France, having an original Asnieres brass serial number / firewall patent data plate | |||
Started using 1/8 pipe plug in intake manifold, June 18, 1929 | ||||
A / AA / AF / AAF | 1854832 | 2045422 | July 1929 | |
☆A2000000☆ | Engine ☆A2000000☆ numbered 4:50 pm, July 24, 1929 | |||
A / AA / AF / AAF | 2045423 | 2243920 | August 1929 | |
A / AA / AF / AAF | 2243921 | 2396932 | September 1929 | |
A / AA / AF / AAF | 2396933 | 2571781 | October 1929 | |
A / AA / AF / AAF | 2571782 | 2678140 | November 1929 | |
A / AA / AF / AAF | 2678141 | 2742695 | December 1929 | |
A / AA / AF / AAF | 2742696 | 2826649 | January 1930 | |
A 2786714 | Rouge-built engine is installed in a 1930 Briggs Town Sedan final-assembled after January 1930 at Asnieres, France, and having an original Asnieres brass serial number / firewall patent data plate (Michael Schwarzer) | |||
A / AA / AF / AAF | 2826650 | 2940776 | February 1930 | |
☆AF2903908☆ | Rouge-built RHD big bore AF engine in Nebraska (Rodney Gage) Was likely from a RHD vehicle repatriated to the US from South America, or from a US-sold RHD vehicle for rural mail delivery, for example. | |||
A / AA / AF / AAF | 2940777 | 2950000 | March 1930 | |
2950001 | 2960000 | March 4, 1930 | 10,000 #'s transferred to Manchester | |
A / AA / AF / AAF | 2960001 | 3010000 | March 1930 | |
☆A3000000☆ | Engine ☆A3000000☆ numbered 9:10 am, March 12, 1930 | |||
3010001 | 3020000 | January 29, 1930 March 13, 1930 | 10,000 #'s transferred to Manchester | |
A / AA / AF / AAF | 3020001 | 3114465 | March 1930 | |
A / AA / AF / AAF | 3114466 | 3304703 | April 1930 | |
3304703☆ | Last RHD AF or AAF prefix engine stamped at the Rouge, May 1, 1930 | |||
A / AA | 3304704 | 3450000 | May 1930 | |
3450001 | 3460000 | March 25, 1930 May 22, 1930 | 10,000 #'s transferred to Manchester | |
A / AA | 3460001 | 3509306 | May 1930 | |
A / AA | 3509307 | 3702547 | June 1930 | |
A / AA | 3702548 | 3730000 | July 1930 | |
3730001 | 3740000 | March 25, 1930 July 8, 1930 | 10,000 #'s transferred to Manchester | |
A / AA | 3740001 | 3771362 | July 1930 | |
A / AA | 3771363 | 3883888 | August 1930 | |
A / AA | 3883889 | 3950000 | September 1930 | |
3950001 | 3960000 | August 21, 1930 September 17, 1930 | 10,000 #'s transferred to Manchester | |
A / AA | 3960001 | 4005973 | September 1930 | |
☆A4000000☆ | Engine ☆A4000000☆ numbered 9:30 am, September 29, 1930 | |||
4098041☆ | All engines after this number have nickel alloy exhaust valves, September 30, 1930 | |||
A / AA | 4005974 | 4093995 | October 1930 | |
A / AA | 4093996 | 4177733 | November 1930 | |
A / AA | 4177734 | 4237500 | December 1930 | |
A / AA | 4237501 | 4250000 | January 1931 | |
4250001 | 4260000 | December 1, 1930 January 13, 1931 | 10,000 #'s transferred to Manchester | |
A 4250640 | Manchester-assigned engine number was on a big bore block in a Tudor sedan sold new on April 1, 1931 in Dronningborg, Denmark | |||
A / AA | 4260001 | 4310300 | January 1931 | |
A / AA | 4310301 | 4393627 | February 1931 | |
☆A4365834☆ | First engine stamped with new numerals 1-6-9, February 18, 1931 | |||
A / AA | 4393628 | 4450000 | March 1931 | |
4450001 | 4460000 | January 26, 1931 March 18, 1931 | 10,000 #'s transferred to Manchester | |
A 4456124 | Manchester-assigned engine number is found on big bore block in Flensburg, Germany | |||
A / AA | 4460001 | 4470000 | March 1931 | |
4470001 | 4490000 | February 23, 1931 March 23, 1931 | 20,000 #'s transferred to Manchester | |
4472283 | Manchester-assigned engine number is applied to a 1931 Briggs Sedan in Denmark, and having an original Fred Rasmussen & Co. floor board serial number plate (Per Jensen) | |||
A / AA | 4490001 | 4520831 | March 1931 | |
A / AA | 4520832 | 4521600 | April 1931 | |
☆A20000000☆ actual stamping | Ford engine ☆A20000000☆ run-off and numbered 9:55 am, April 1, 1931 20,000,000th Ford (1931 SW Sedan) Driven off final assembly line in ceremony April 14, 1931 | |||
A / AA | 4521601 | 4611921 | April 1931 | |
A / AA | 4611922 | 4695999 | May 1931 | |
4634572☆ | Four extra holes in oil pan tray for Mr. P.E. Martin, May 11, 1931 | |||
☆AX4687000☆ | ☆AX4687003☆ | Four experimental 'AX' prefix engines, May 12-13, 1931 | ||
A / AA | 4696000 | 4746730 | June 1931 | |
4700000☆ | Shield on oil pump, 1/8 lower tray for Mr. P.E. Martin, June 3, 1931 | |||
A / AA | 4746731 | 4777282 | July 1931 | |
4751775☆ | Begin production use of low dipper oil tray July 7, 1931 | |||
Begin production use of hex drain plug bung oil pan July 14, 1931 | ||||
~ | ~ | August 1931 | No Rouge engine production | |
A / AA | 4777283 | 4780000 | September 1931 | |
4780001 | 4800000 | May 13, 1931 September 9, 1931 | 20,000 #'s transferred to Manchester | |
4800001 | 4803000 | June 1, 1931 September 9, 1931 | 3,000 #'s transferred to Köln | |
A / AA | 4803001 | 4824809 | September 1931 | |
A / AA | 4824810 | 4826746 | October 1931 | |
A / AA | 4826747 | 4830806 | November 1931 | |
~ | ~ | December 1931 | No Rouge engine production | |
A / AA | 4830807 | 4830900 | January 1932 | |
4830901 | 4840900 | May 13, 1931 January 3, 1932 | 10,000 #'s transferred to Dagenham | |
AA 4832774 | Dagenham-assigned engine number is applied to a Type AA 3 Long truck built at Asnieres, France after May 1931 | |||
A / AA | 4840901 | 4842983 | January 1932 | |
A / AA | 4842984 | 4843000 | February 1932 | |
4843001 | 4844000 | January 25, 1932 February 1, 1932 | 1,000 #'s transferred to Köln | |
A / AA | 4844001 | 4846691 | February 1932 | |
A / AA | 4846692 | 4849340 | March 1932 | |
A / AA | 4849341 | 4850000 | April 1932 | |
4850001 | 4855000 | January 27, 1932 April 7, 1932 | 5,000 #'s transferred to Dagenham | |
☆AA4854953☆ | Dagenham-assigned AA number is factory stamped on a Model B block in an English-built AA truck in New Zealand (Justin Bicknell) | |||
A / AA | 4855001 | 4855171 | April 1932 | |
A / AA | 4855172 | 4856255 | May 1932 | |
A / AA | 4856256 | 4856745 | June 1932 | |
A / AA | 4856746 | 4857556 | July 1932 | |
A / AA | 4857557 | 4857988 | August 1932 | |
4857695☆ | First Rouge production use of Model B camshaft and push rods (tappets) in Model A engines, August 11, 1932 | |||
☆AA4857843☆ | Begin 100% use of Model B camshaft and push rods (tappets) in Model A engines, August 11, 1932 | |||
A / AA | 4857989 | 4858476 | September 1932 | |
A / AA | 4858477 | 4858703 | October 1932 | |
A / AA | 4858704 | 4858930 | November 1932 | |
A / AA | 4858931 | 4858979 | December 1932 | |
A / AA | 4858980 | 4859000 | 1933 | |
4859001 | 4859800 | October 10, 1932 July 27, 1933 | 800 #'s transferred to Köln | |
A / AA | 4859801 | 4859948 | 1933 | |
A / AA | 4859949 | 4860509 | 1934 | |
A / AA | 4860510 | 4860800 | 1935 | |
4860801 | 4862800 | February 16, 1933 April 19, 1935 | 2,000 #'s transferred to Dagenham | |
4862801 | 4864800 | October 5, 1935(33) *verify | 2,000 #'s transferred to Dagenham | |
A / AA | 4864801 | 4865384 | 1935 | |
Un-numbered Model A 'Diamond' block in Michigan D305 casting code, April 30, 1935 | ||||
4865501 | 4866500 | June 14, 1935 | 1,000 #'s transferred to Köln | |
A / AA | 4865385 | 4867715 | 1936 | |
☆A4866627☆ | Model A 'Diamond' block in Alabama (Bill Stocks) L25 casting code, December 2, 1935 | |||
☆A4866733☆ | Model A 'Diamond' block in Arizona (Jim Henson) | |||
A / AA | 4867716 | 4870083 | 1937 | |
☆A4868836☆ | Baldwin Gleaner Combine Model A 'Diamond' block in Kansas B227 casting code, February 22, 1937 | |||
☆A4868862☆ | Baldwin Gleaner Combine Model A engine and block in Oklahoma with A-6019-BR front timing cover | |||
☆A4869469☆ | Model A 'Diamond' block in Maine (Bill Alexander) C57 casting code, March 5, 1937 | |||
☆A4869984☆ | Model A 'Diamond' block having Model B camshaft in Ohio K186 casting code, November 18, 1936 | |||
A / AA | 4870084 | 4872754 | 1938 | |
☆A4870709☆ | Model A 'Diamond' block having hardened exhaust valve seats in California (Marco Tahtaras) | |||
☆A4871839☆ | Model A 'Diamond' block having Model B camshaft in Nebraska (Rod Gage) | |||
☆A4871891☆ | Baldwin Gleaner Combine Model A 'Diamond' block from Nebraska having a 1937 casting date code | |||
A / AA | 4872755 | 4872799 | 1939 | |
A / AA | 4872800 | 4872843 | 1940 | |
A / AA | 4872844 | 4872864 | 1941 | |
A / AA | 4872865 | Last Rouge-built and numbered Model A engine? January 31, 1944 | ||
A / AA | 4872866 | 4900000 | Any exist? | |
4900001 | 4920000 | May 13, 1931 | 20,000 #'s returned from Manchester? | |
A / AA | 4920001 | 4978900 | Any exist? | |
4978901 | 5000000 | October 30, 193(4) ? *verify | 22,000 #'s transferred to Dagenham | |
☆AA4854953☆ | Dagenham-assigned AA number is factory stamped on a Model B block in an English-built AA truck in New Zealand (Justin Bicknell) | |||
☆AA4981139☆ | Dagenham-assigned AA number is factory stamped on a Model B block in an English-built AA truck in England (John Charlton) | |||
☆AA4981465☆ | Dagenham-assigned AA number is factory stamped on a Model B block in an English-built AA truck in England (John Charlton) |
Canadian Model A Engines
Model A engines were also built and assembled in East Windsor (Ford City), Ontario.
Canadian-produced Model A engine numbers were also stamped on the engine block left hand side, the same location as US-produced engines. The engine number consisted of prefix letters and a unique numeric serial number. The prefix was preceded by a ☆ character. The numeric serial number was followed by a closing ☆ character.
The engine serial number was separate from the prefix letters, together making the complete unique engine number. The engine number was unique and was not directly correlated to the prefix letters or to US production engine numbers.
Canadian-produced engines were numbered with a letter prefix starting with ☆CA, indicating Canada. The prefix was then followed by an additional 'A' if it was a truck engine.
As an example, a 'CAA' in place of the letters 'CA' in the individual unique engine number's prefix designated that the engine was equipped with a truck clutch. For example, ☆CAAQ followed by the serial number and a closing ☆ character was a truck engine (had a truck clutch).
Following the letter prefix was a sequentially increasing numerical serial number starting with '1', and ending with a closing ☆ character.
After 'CA' serial number 150120 (☆CA150120☆), an additional letter, such as Q, W, E, R, T, Y, U, I, O, P, S, and D, was added to the prefix, following the layout of the QWERTY typewriter keyboard.
Prefix examples are CAQ, CAW, CAE, CAR, CAT, CAY, CAU, CAI, CAO, CAP, CAS, and CAD. Each of those prefix series had a maximum of 10,000 serial numbers associated to it, before advancing to the next letter prefix series and starting over at numeral '1'. An 'AA' rather than an 'A' in the prefix indicated a truck engine.
Shown above is what I believe to be an authentic early Canadian engine ☆CA3834☆ from April 1928. Note the small sized number pad. What makes it unusual is that the number pad appears to be machined flat in the same plane as the water inlet boss. Later number pads were un-machined as-cast surfaces.
The table below shows the information available from Ford of Canada Historical Archives.
Canadian QWERTY Series Model A Engine Numbers | |||
Canadian Model A Prefix | Starting Engine Number | Ending Engine Number | End Date |
CA / CAA | 1 | 479 | February 28, 1928 |
CA / CAA | 480 | 3229 | March 31, 1928 |
April 1928 | Car and truck clutch spring commonized. CAA truck engine prefix discontinued. | ||
CA | 3230 | 7172 | April 30, 1928 |
CA | 7173 | 13772 | May 31, 1928 |
☆CAA10728☆ | Stronger clutch spring released for trucks. CAA prefix reinstated for all truck engines. | ||
CA / CAA | 13773 | 22563 | June 30, 1928 |
CA / CAA | 22564 | 32817 | July 31, 1928 |
CA / CAA | 32818 | 44610 | August 31, 1928 |
CA / CAA | 44611 | 53531 | September 30, 1928 |
CA / CAA | 53532 | 63174 | October 31, 1928 |
CA / CAA | 63175 | 71370 | November 30, 1928 |
CA / CAA | 71371 | 78127 | December 31, 1928 |
CA / CAA | 78128 | 89474 | January 31, 1929 |
☆CA78201☆ | Single disc clutch usage began. | ||
CA / CAA | 89474 | 102209 | February 28, 1929 |
CA / CAA | 102210 | 115460 | March 31, 1929 |
CA / CAA | 115461 | 128690 | April 30, 1929 |
CA / CAA | 128691 | 137105 | May 31, 1929 |
CA / CAA | 137106 | 141953 | June 30, 1929 |
CA / CAA | 141954 | 146518 | July 31, 1929 |
CA / CAA | 146519 | 150120 | August 31, 1929 |
CAQ / CAAQ | 1 | 10000 | November 4, 1929 |
CAW / CAAW | 1 | 10000 | February 4, 1930 |
CAE / CAAE | 1 | 10000 | March 14, 1930 |
CAR / CAAR | 1 | 10000 | April 14, 1930 |
CAT / CAAT | 1 | 10000 | May 13, 1930 |
CAY / CAAY | 1 | 10000 | June 11, 1930 |
CAU / CAAU | 1 | 10000 | August 7, 1930 |
CAI / CAAI | 1 | 10000 | October 16, 1930 |
CAO / CAAO | 1 | 10000 | February 9, 1931 |
CAP / CAAP | 1 | 10000 | April 1, 1931 |
CAS / CAAS | 1 | 10000 | June 2, 1931 |
CAD / CAAD | 1 | 6877 | February 29, 1932 |
US and Canadian Model B and BB, and British (1932 only) Model AB, ABF, B, and BF serial numbers were stamped on an as-cast pad on the top of the flywheel housing, above the starter as shown in the pic below. The engine block pad was left unstamped and as-cast.
The pic above shows the typical US and Canadian Model B engine number location on top of the Model B or Model 46 flywheel housing, above the starting motor. Note that the number reads from the front of the engine in this example. Others read from the rear.
British Model B Engine Serial Number Location ChangeFor 1932 only, British Model AB, ABF, B, and BF cars, trucks, and engines carried the serial number (from US Rouge assigned number groups) stamped on top of the flywheel housing, the same as all US, Canadian, and German Model B's.
For 1933 and subsequent production years, British Model B, BF, and Fourteen cars, and Model BB Ford and Fordson trucks and engines again carried the serial number (from US Rouge number groups) stamped on the as-cast pad above the water inlet on the block, the same location as all the earlier Model A's.
For example, the British 1933 Model B, 24 & 14.9 H.P. and British 1934 Model B 'Fourteen' Instruction Books clearly describe that the serial numbers were again stamped on the engine block left hand side above the water inlet.
The serial number relocation from the flywheel housing casting to the former location on the engine block casting was done to comply with British law that the serial number be applied to the engine block casting itself, not on a removable component like the flywheel housing.
German 1936-41 Model B Engine Serial Numbers and LocationGerman Model B series engines from 1936-41 used an apparently improved version of the original 1932 Model B engine, prior to the implementation of the yet further-improved 1942 G28T 'B' engine having insert bearings and pressure oiling.
The left hand side of the engine block casting often had the Ford script, as well as the 'EB' logo mark of Eisenwerk Brühl, the German foundry that produced the block casting for Ford Köln. The pic below was supplied by Wilhelm Andersen of Norway. The truck is owned by Kjell-Eivind Bastholm.
I am seeking further information and photos about these German 1936-41 series engines, their improvements, and their prefix(s), serial numbers, and format.
German Model G28T Engine Serial Number Location/whatsapp-apk-download-for-android-42-2.html. 1942 and newer German G28T (improved Model B) engines were used in Ford Ruhr, B3000, and FK Series trucks (and Claas Mähdrescher combines) through the mid 1950's. The G28T had insert bearings and pressure oiling.
The G28T carried the engine serial number stamped on the pad above the water inlet on the left hand side of the block, the same location as all the earlier Model A's.
In addition, the left hand side of the engine block casting had the Ford part number G28T-6015 and a date code cast-in, as well as the 'EB' logo mark of Eisenwerk Brühl, the German foundry that produced the block casting for Ford-Köln. Also, many blocks had the stylized F-K logo cast-in as well.
I am seeking further information and photos about these German G28T series engines, their prefix(s), serial numbers, and format.
US (Rouge) Model B Engines
Model B 'engine' serial numbers started at 5,000,000 and increased sequentially. The assigned serial number was actually stamped on the (B-6395) flywheel housings of completed engines after they had passed run-in (run-off) tests and were released from the Engine Department for vehicle final assembly. The number pad above the block water inlet was left unstamped on US and Canadian built Model B engines.
The engine (flywheel housing) number then became the serial number for the completed vehicle after final assembly. The serial number is separate from the prefix letter(s). The serial number is unique and is not directly correlated to the prefix letter(s). The prefix is preceded by a ☆, and the serial number is followed by a closing ☆ character.
Rouge Series Model B Ford Engine Serial Numbers | ||||
Rouge Number Prefix | Starting Engine Number | Ending Engine Number | Date | Notes |
AB / AAB | 5000000 | 5000015 | November 1931 | |
AB / AAB | 5000016 | 5001863 | December 1931 | |
AB / AAB | 5001864 | 5013187 | January 1932 | |
☆AB5001874☆ | Factory stamped number on a (Model) B-6395 flywheel housing January 1932 number reads from front of engine | |||
AB / AAB | 5013188 | 5032500 | February 1932 | |
AB / AAB | 5032501 | 5049492 | March 1932 | |
AB / AAB | 5049493 | 5062386 | April 1932 | |
B / BB | 5062387 | 5064906 | April 1932 | |
B / BB | 5064907 | 5087732 | May 1932 | |
5069693 | 100% Using new style 2-hole intake manifold, May 9, 1932 | |||
B5080219 | Engine number is applied to an original 1932 Model B Kabriolett Registration Number 562362 in Germany in 1936 | |||
5081832 | 100% Using new oil fill pipe, May 25, 1932 | |||
B / BB | 5087733 | 5132621 | June 1932 | |
☆AB5101093☆ | Dagenham-assigned 'AB' prefix number is applied to an original Model B Panel Delivery in the UK, Registration Number YJ255 Dagenham-built in November 1932 | |||
B / BB | 5132622 | 5144010 | July 1932 | |
B / BB | 5144011 | 5146668 | August 1932 | |
B / BB | 5146669 | 5157918 | September 1932 | |
5147874 | Engine number is applied to a British bodied Type AN Model B Tudor built at Asnieres, France | |||
B / BB | 5157919 | 5165401 | October 1932 | |
B / BB | 5165402 | 5175635 | November 1932 | |
5175104 | Begin Counterweighted Crankshaft, December 5, 1932 | |||
B / BB | 5175636 | 5179579 | December 1932 | |
B / BB | 5179580 | 5187129 | January 1933 | |
5186063 | First recorded use of pressed-on crankshaft counterweights | |||
B / BB | 5187130 | 5192755 | February 1933 | |
☆B5187187☆ | Factory stamped number on a (Model) 46-6395 flywheel housing February 1933 number reads from front of engine | |||
☆BB5190550☆ | Factory stamped number on a (Model) 46-6395 flywheel housing February 1933 number reads from front of engine | |||
B / BB | 5192756 | 5203772 | March 1933 | |
☆BF5198885☆ | Dagenham-assigned 'BF' prefix number is factory stamped on a 14.9 HP R.A.C. Model B small bore block in the UK, Registration Number ANN 20. Dagenham-built after December 1933 | |||
B / BB | 5203773 | 5208842 | April 1933 | |
B / BB | 5208843 | 5216030 | May 1933 | |
B / BB | 5216031 | 5227763 | June 1933 | |
B / BB | 5227764 | 5234547 | July 1933 | |
☆BB5295660☆ | Factory stamped number on a (Model) 46-6395 flywheel housing July 1933 number reads from front of engine | |||
B / BB | 5234548 | 5241341 | August 1933 | |
B / BB | 5241342 | 5245552 | September 1933 | |
B / BB | 5245553 | 5248333 | October 1933 | |
B / BB | 5248334 | 5249669 | November 1933 | |
B / BB | 5249670 | 5263534 | December 1933 | |
☆B5261034☆ | Factory stamped number on a (Model) 46-6395 flywheel housing | |||
B / BB | 5263535 | 5267507 | January 1934 | |
B / BB | 5267508 | 5275064 | February 1934 | |
B / BB | 5275065 | 5277589 | March 1934 | |
B / BB | 5277590 | 5285357 | April 1934 | |
B / BB | 5285358 | 5287403 | May 1934 | |
B / BB | 5287404 | 5288942 | June 1934 | |
B / BB | 5288943 | 5290174 | July 1934 | |
B / BB | 5290175 | 5292536 | August 1934 | |
☆BB5317886☆ | 'BB' prefix number is factory stamped on a 24 HP R.A.C. Model B block in the UK in a Dagenham-built 1934 Fordson BB Two Ton Truck. | |||
☆B5331574☆ | Factory stamped number on a (Model) 46-6395 flywheel housing 1935 or 1936 number reads from front of engine | |||
☆B5343498☆ | Number is factory stamped on a Model B block with 'GS' casting mark and a Fordson Forward Control oil pan in the UK (John Cochran) C26 cylinder head casting code, March 2, 1936 | |||
☆BB5352975☆ | Number is factory stamped on a (Model) B-6395 flywheel housing on a Model B engine Power Unit in Wisconsin (Jerry Parr) L159 block casting code, December 15, 1939 Cylinder Head casting date is 122939 | |||
☆B5356180☆ | Number is factory stamped on a Model B engine block with a Fordson Forward Control oil pan in the UK (John Cochran) L219 block casting code, December 21, 1939 | |||
☆AA4854953☆ | Dagenham-assigned AA number is factory stamped on a Model B block in an English-built AA truck in New Zealand (Justin Bicknell) | |||
☆AA4981139☆ | Dagenham-assigned AA number is factory stamped on a Model B block in an English-built AA truck in England (John Charlton) | |||
☆AA4981465☆ | Dagenham-assigned AA number is factory stamped on a Model B block in an English-built AA truck in England (John Charlton) |
Canadian Model B Engines
A limited number of Model B engines were also built and assembled in East Windsor (Ford City), Ontario.
Canadian-produced 1932-34 four cylinder 'engine' serial numbers were actually stamped on the top of the Model B or Model 46 flywheel housing above the starter, and the engine block pad was left unnumbered, similar to US Model B production.
The prefix is preceded by a ☆, and the serial number is followed by a closing ☆ character, and reads from the rear of the engine.
The table below shows the information available from Ford of Canada Historical Archives and Ford Motor Company of Australia Pty. Ltd.
Canadian Model B 'Engine' Serial Numbers | |||
Canadian Model B Prefix | Starting Number | Ending Number | Date |
CBG / CBBG | 1 | 5000 | Start April 3, 1932 |
CBQ / CBBQ / CBBQF | 1 | 3999 | End September 6, 1932 |
☆CBBQFxxxx☆ | CBBQF prefix used on some 1932-1934 RHD Model BB trucks/engines exported to Australia. Number stamped on flywheel housing. | ||
CBW | 1 | 5000 | April 1933 |
CBE | ? | ? | ? |
CBR | ? | ? | ? |
CBT / CBTF | 1 | 5000 | 1933 / 1934 |
☆CBTFxxxx☆ | CBTF prefix used on 1933 & 1934 RHD Model 40 & 46 cars/commercials/engines exported to Australia | ||
☆CBTF3040☆ | Factory stamped number on a (Model) 46-6395 flywheel housing. RHD car/commercial export serial number prefix. | ||
☆CBT3427☆ | Factory stamped number on a (Model) 46-6395 flywheel housing in a 1933 Canadian-built LHD Panel Truck |
More related information on Ford Garage:
- Model A & B German Ford Köln Engine Serial Numbers
- Model A & B 'Diamond' Block and Date Code Engine Markings
- Model A Industrial Engine Brochure
- Model B German Ford Köln Industrial Engine Brochure
- Model A & AA US Body Style Numbers & Body Builders Chart
- Model A Assembly Plant Body Number Decoder
- 1930 Model A Ford Assembly Branch Locations
- Model A, B, & Early V8 Ford Patent Plate & Patent Numbers
- 1928-40 Model A & B Ford England A & B Powered Vehicle Models Chart
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October 1999
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